15 kwietnia 2017

Od Madness CD Scraf

Przypomniała mi się piosenka, którą ktoś kiedyś mi zaśpiewał:

I won't lie to you
I know he's just not right for you.
And you can tell me if I'm off
But I see it on your face
When you say that he's the one that you want
And you're spending all your time
In this wrong situation
And anytime you wanted to stop

I know I can treat you better than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted crime
When you should be with me instead
Coz I know I can treat you better
Better than he can

I'll stop time for you
The second you say you like me too
I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing
Baby just to wake up with you
It would be everything I need
And this could be so different 
Tell me what you want to do

Coz I know I can treat you better than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted crime
When you should be with me instead
Coz I know I can treat you better
Better than he can

Give me a sign,
Take my hand, 
We'll be fine
Promise, I won't let you down
Just know that you don't have to do this alone
Promise, I'll never let you down

Coz I know I can treat you better than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted crime
When you should be with me instead
Coz I know I can treat you better
Better than he can...

Szkoda, że parę dni potem mnie zostawił, uprzednio łamiąc serce. Pamiętam jak wtedy płakałam, a Sirius starał się mnie pocieszyć, nawet próbował ściągnąć do mnie moje przyjaciółki, ale nagle wszystkie sobie poszły. Przynajmniej mój brat był przy mnie i mnie pocieszył i pokazał, że muszę cieszyć się z życia. Gdy wylądowaliśmy na ziemi, Scraf coś tam do mnie powiedział, ale nie słyszałam.


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